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Viewing entries posted in 2015

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Chub, barbel, carp and things you forget about – as well as my money saving blog of the day.

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I was sorting my gear out last night for a spot of chub fishing and found the block of Plasticine I used to use and to be honest I had forgotten how useful it is and for how many different jobs I used to use it for.

Snow Carp and consistent festive action

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Well, it was a rather mixed period for me whilst away from the office for the annual festive break. I started off fishing for the barbel in the mild conditions leading to Christmas day and was fortunate enough to net myself a couple of nice fish but these faded into insignificance by Ron Key’s 14.06 as reported in the last of the 2014 reports. It truly was a pleasure to see and photograph this fish, which fell to the Questrami.