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Follow the Wind to find the carp.

Posted by Shaun Harrison on 24 November 2015 |

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Into the wind

Perhaps a little extreme

One of the best bits of advice I was given when I started carp fishing was to look for the swim with the most foam in it. The swim with the biggest waves which was taking the main force of the wind. There is always one swim that little bit rougher than the others. Once I started to do this my catch rate rose considerably. It is a fact that the carp really enjoy the extra oxygen content generated by a big wind and will particularly move onto a new wind.

The picture attached is a little extreme and in hindsight I should have set up a little further along the bank not realising it was going to get quite that rough.

It was advice given to me 30 plus years ago and still very much stands to-day. There are times when larger fish and pressured fish can appear to hold back off of the wind but for sheer carp action you won’t go far wrong always facing the wind.

About the Author: Shaun Harrison

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Quest Baits boss Shaun Harrison has put over 40 years of experience into developing his range of carp baits ” This bait range is the culmination of the bait knowledge I’ve gained throughout my carp fishing career, a journey which started in the 1970’s. It has truly been a long and winding road – frustrating at times, fascinating and rewarding at others….. Our range you’ll only find proven baits, the ones I use myself 

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