Viewing entries tagged with 'rockpoolrahja'
Of tench and things - Notes from my May Diary
Here I sit in my writing cabin with the rain falling just inches away. I don’t know what it is, but the rain always puts me in the mood to get away from my desk and write. So, we are on the last day of May and I won’t be angling again until June, so why not write about another month that has flown by, I guess with all the bank holidays, I was having a lot of fun.
Shaun Harrison's May 2022 Diary Blog
April had been a month of real mixed emotion after the passing of my father, but some incredible fish graced my net. This month started with Dad's funeral; the non-religious service was conducted in an excellent manner. Yes, I had written most of it, but it was delivered very well. John commented that at around 45 minutes it was the longest eulogy he had ever read out and had told me before the service that he was really looking forward to this one, which I took as a pat on my back. We had corresponded a fair bit over the weeks leading to it. There was the odd chuckle in the right places from those in attendance as well as the odd bout of tears. I was proud that those who turned up had turned up to say their final goodbyes to Dad. Finally, our lives could return to some sort of normality, despite the huge hole left for those closest to dad.