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Viewing entries tagged with 'lymes disease'

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Catch up time - long, long overdue

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Yes, I know I have let these blog posts slip by the wayside, this one is so very much overdue, and I have no other excuses than my illness.

My last blog post was warning of tick bites and the nasty affects that Lymes Disease can have on you. Here I am, over half a year later and still quite ill.

Lyme's Disease - An Up-date - PLEASE READ

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All anglers and outdoor folk – PLEASE BE AWARE!

At some time, toward the end of July, I was bit by a tick. I’m not sure where it happened as I am out and about every day as I walk in the wild fields and woods on my none angling days, so it may have been during a walk, or it may have been whilst angling.20220511 080719

They can be anywhere in the vegetation waiting for you to brush by.

Posted by Shaun Harrison on 30 August 2023 | Comments Tags: , , Read the full post