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July 2023 Blog Diary

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I know that I’m a little late writing this, all was going well until I had a tick bury itself in me at the end of July and that put paid to a normal life for a bit. I’m now in my third week of not really being with it, but now forcing myself to at least try and tap a few words out. Basically, since all the swelling has gone, I have been left incredibly tired and struggling to focus on things. Even a walk up to the post box a little earlier, really took it out of me.

But for now, less of the tick and Lyme’s disease and see if I can take a look back into my July notes and transfer a few of the words over to here, hopefully including the odd little trick along the way as I try to with these blogs.

Posted by Shaun Harrison on 16 August 2023 | Comments Tags: , , , , Read the full post

Back through my diaries and an end of season memory and chance encounter.

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As we are on the last day of the river season, possibly the last ever if a vote to abolish it goes through. I'm stuck at my desk with my mind naturally rolling over past season ends. I have been so fortunate to have had some pretty spectacular last evening's etc, but this tale is something very different, a chance encounter that you couldn't have possibly dreamt up.

Extracts from my October and November Diary - Part 1

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DSC 0108I must admit that I have only just noticed that I skipped October from my Diary Blogs, so a quick two month summary now…

It has very much been a mixed period of fish-in’s, guiding/tutorials, skipping from venue to venue as well as fish species, a new personal best and a new syndicate joined as well! No wonder I haven’t caught loads but I have caught quality and most importantly I have loved every moment of what is my favourite time of the year when finally the bugs stop biting quite as much and most anglers start to tail off whilst our green and pleasant land turns into a world of gold and red.

Posted by Shaun Harrison on 29 November 2016 | Comments Tags: , , Read the full post

Extracts from my Diary June 2016

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Well, I saw another month out, another month that had yet again been kind to me. So, it’s time to scan back through my dairy as in previous months and pick out some of the highlights. Well, I need to show that I still angle. A lot in the trade don’t, yet they manage to come up with new must have’s that have turned their angling around – yeah right!